The birds are starting to sing after a winter of slumber, buds of blossom are beginning to unfurl on the branches of trees and green shoots are appearing from formerly frozen ground, spring is here! Spring in the UK is undoubtedly the most pleasant of our seasons and a real highlight of spring in the UK is the sight of formerly barren ground transformed into a carpet of bright coloured flowers. Today, we want to share a few of our spring flower favourites and give you a few tips on when and where you can find them.
1. Bluebells
Bluebells are amongst the most memorable symbols of spring. These elegant bell-shaped flowers are coloured a vivid blue, with contrasting white or cream pollen. While each bluebell is beautiful even by itself, the real wow factor comes when you see a whole carpet of them spread over the floor of an ancient woodland. Catch them dotted all over the UK from mid-April to May throughout many wooded areas of the UK.

2. Daffodils
The vibrant yellows you see at the start of spring when the daffodils unfurl really cannot help but fill you with joy. The national
flower of Wales, they have inspired poets throughout the ages, most famously William Wordsworth. Look out for the beautiful
displays across the Royal Parks in London at the end of winter and early spring, you might even be able to get a great photo with
Buckingham Palace as a backdrop!
3. Early Purple Orchids
Many people are surprised to hear that the UK has its own native orchids, as many people assume orchids are solely found in
tropical climates, but the UK is in fact home to 52 kinds of native wild orchids including the beautiful ‘Early Purple’ orchid.
This striking orchid flowers around the same time as bluebells and while we don’t have a specific location to recommend for seeing
these, you can expect to see them in many meadows and woodlands.
At Give Gift Boutique we love all flowers but spring is our favourite time to use as many flowers as we can from our suppliers all
over the world. With these dark times around we know a beautiful spring bouquet can cheer us right up, why not head over to our
websites floral section and choose a cheerful bouquet!